
Gold, Energy & More

Gold Bullion, Dore & Energy

Private Offerings

Looking for Gold and Energy for private investment and purchase? Imperial Trust Consult is direct to mandates for Gold mines as well mandates for Private Gold bullion offerings.

We have strategic relationships with private providers of gold, various precious metals, minerals and energy sources such as clean and metallurgical coal, wind and solar. If you or your organization are looking for Gold and Energy offerings please contact us today to learn more.

Gold Bullion, Dore & Other

Strategic Alliances

Imperial Trust Consult has strategic alliances with gold bullion private offerings as well as gold mines across the globe. If you are looking for Dore or Bullion we have sources that can fulfill the needs of most investors.

For Gold Dore we have alliances with mines that can start off with a test tranche of 200 kilograms (with rolls and extensions) and also offer hallmarked gold. Our gold bullion sources can start off with two metic tonnes with rolls and extensions.

The gold sources we work with have locations across the globe from Asia, Europe (Switzerland), the UK, South America, Central America, Africa, to the USA and beyond.

If you have a qualified buyer or seller of Gold Bullion, Dore and other commodities then feel free to contact us. Note, we receive many offers and our sources have a variety requirements and procedures.


Gold Dore

We have relationships with mines across the globe that can provide quantities of Gold Dore starting at 25 kilograms for an initial test tranche. They also offer Swiss and other procedures.


Gold Bullion

The Gold Mandates we work with provide 5 metric tonnes as an initial tranche with rolls and extensions from 200 metric tonnes and beyond.


Energy & Other Commodities

We have strategic relationships with various commodities from rare earth metals, minerals, precious stones, clean and metallurgical coal.


Gold Dore, Bullion & More

Gold Dore

Multiple mines and locations across the globe can provide your Gold Dore and Hallmarked Gold needs. From mines in Europe, Central America and beyond.

Gold Bullion

Hallmarked Gold Bullion less that 5 years with variable discounts based on order and tranches. From 2MT to 200MT and above our seller mandates can fulfill your needs.

Energy & Commodities

We have alliances with sources for Precious Stones, Clean & Metallurgical Coal, Rare Earth Metals and relationships with high quality steam coal available.

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Creative Consulting Services for Private Investment & Business Finance

Gold FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Dore become Bullion?

Gold Dore and Gold Ore is mined from the earth and then refined. Gold mines process ore using various techniques to produce an alloy composed mostly of gold and silver, which is called a Dore bar. Many Gold Dore bars are composed of approximately 70-80% gold and 10-15% silver. The Dore bars go through a refining process, also known as the Miller and Wohlwill process which produces gold to a purity of 99.9%. This is then cast into various sized Gold Bullion bars.

What Procedures are Available?

The Gold Mines we work with have various procedures. Some offer Swiss Procedures while other have more accommodating procedures.

Where Can I Buy Gold?

We have strategic alliances with Gold Mines across the Globe from South America, Central America, Europe, USA, Africa and beyond. The Gold Bullion mandates we work with have product available for sale in Switzerland, Hong Kong, London, Thailand, Vietnam, Thailand, China, USA and beyond. Please contact us for more information.

Where Does Gold Come From?

All of the gold found on Earth came from the debris of dead stars. As the Earth formed, heavy elements such as iron and gold sank toward the planet’s core. If no other event had occurred, there would be no gold in the Earth’s crust. But, around 4 billion years ago, Earth was bombarded by asteroid impacts. These impacts stirred the deeper layers of the planet and forced some gold into the mantle and crust. This gold is then mined and refined into Gold Dore and Bullion

Coal, Rare Earth Minerals, Metals?
These Ore And Metal Concentrates Are Available

  • Gold and Silver
  • Lead-Zinc-Tin
  • Tungsten
  • Titanium
  • Barite

Rare Earths

  • Tantalite
  • Niobium
  • Uranium/Thorium


  • Frac Sands
  • Calcite
  • Zircon
  • Gypsum
  • Potash

We also have relationships with mines that offer metallurgical and high quality steam coal available with a long term contract.