Heritage Bonds and
Historical Assets
Sale & Investment of
Historical Assets
Do you have Historical Assets or Heritage Bonds? Imperial Trust Consult has strategic alliances with sources that may be able to assist you.
Some assets for consideration may include JP Morgan & Wells Fargo Boxes, NIQDs, Dragons, Zimbabwe Notes, German Bonds, Super Petchili, etc. If you have authenticated historical bonds or golden assets, please contact us for more information.
Private Sale or Investment
Bonds & Assets
Looking to use your assets for investment, fund a project or for sale? Imperial Trust Consult has strategic alliances with private resources that may be able to assist you with your heritage bonds and historical assets.
The resources we have alliances with, provide the necessary expertise to work with these unique and rare assets. Their intake and compliance officers are the top in their fields. The Compliance Officer can work directly with Zurich, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, and Geneva as well as the USA.
Note, these programs require a compliance package and a KYC to be completed before any notes, bonds and assets can be considered for private sale or investment.
If you have enough qualified historical bonds and assets to be considered by one of our strategic alliances, please contact us to see if we can help you with their compliance process.
Heritage Bonds
Our sources maybe able to help you with you if you have Super Petchilis, 1924 German Bonds. Chinese Dragons and other Heritage Bonds.
Historical Assets
The groups we work with have shown interest in Golden Guns, Golden Trumpets, Golden Bible, Golden Koran, Golden Buddha, Golden Leaves etc. They have also considered Ingots, Golden Sheets (Zim), and Gold Artwork. If you have Golden Assets (and boxes) please contact us as you may be able to offer this for private sale or investment.
Bank Notes
Our sources maybe able to help you with you if you have historical banks notes. They have shown interest in Argo Cheques, NIQD, some U.S. Wells Fargo Notes, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, Gold Certificates, U.S. Silver Certificates, U.S. “Tiger” FRN’s, JP Morgan Blue Box, American Dreams Box and more.
Heritage Assets
Bonds, Bank Notes & Gold
Heritage Bonds
If you or your organization have enough heritage bonds in safe keeping you maybe utilize these resources (after compliance) for investment or for sale.
Bank Notes
If you or your organization have enough qualified bank notes on deposit you might be able sell or utilize this resource (after compliance) for investment in your project.
Golden Assets
If you or your organization have enough qualified Historical and Golden Assets, you maybe able utilize this resource (after passing compliance) for sale or investment.
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Creative Consulting Services for Private Investment & Business Finance
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Process?
If you have enough quality historical notes, bonds or assets contact us to start the compliance and due diligence process. Your KYC with POP is submitted to the compliance officer. This the first step to determine if the assets can be accepted. After this step, there is an IMFPA issued, then the private investor coordinates a physical inspection of the assets to determine authenticity and valuation.
Do All Bonds & Assets Qualify?
The most common reasons are: Owner doesn’t have the minimum amount. Owner doesn’t have the assets desired by Investor (some are more sought after). Owner doesn’t have a good explanation of the origin of the assets. Owner tries to proceed according to their own rules. Owner doesn’t follow the required procedure. Owner doesn’t cooperate. Owner delays the delivery of due diligence documents or send non-confirmed documents. Owner’s identity cannot be confirmed. Owner or mandate is blacklisted for questionable activities or under investigation. These are that main things that have come up when a potential asset owner has not been able to pass compliance. These are items that one must understand and be able to comply with in order to pass compliance. That having been said, most qualified individuals or organizations pass compliance!
Minimum Asset Requirements?
The investor likes to see multiple assets in a package in order to justify the investment in compliance and inspection process. There are very rare occasions where smaller amount are accepted. This may include very rare and desirable golden assets, rare historical bonds and large denomination silver and gold certificates.
What Assets Are Accepted?
The investors’ compliance officer noted they have shown interest in Golden Guns, Golden Trumpets, Golden Bible, Golden Koran, Golden Buddha, Golden Leaves etc. They have also considered Ingots, Golden Sheets (Zim), and Gold Artwork. If you have Golden Assets (and boxes) please contact us as the investor may be able to receive these for sale or investment.
Should My Assets be Certified?
Depending on the the type of asset this may or many not be necessary or possible.There are independent companies that will authenticate Historical Bonds. One such company is called PASS-CO (Professional Authentication Services & Standards C. LLC). They will inspect and research the bond’s origin and issuance and provide a certificate of Authentication.
How Does One Get Started?
Once you provide the items requested for compliance and you meet the requirements, you will be engaged with teh investors compliance officer. Once compliance is completed successfully, the next step is an IMFPA and then coordination of inspection of the assets.. Please contact us for a free consultation.